Florida sunrises can be simply stunning. Put a model (Diane) in the foreground performing yoga and we have the opportunity for some outstanding, dramatic images! To get the most from out shoot we'll be combining both natural and artificial light.


Because of the physically demanding nature of this shoot, it is critical that our planning, timing and execution is all in sink. Therefore, we'll be limiting the group to just 6 and we'll be meeting before sunrise to get our equipment ready and to establish our game plan. For this first session we'll have to work fast and share the model so that everyone has a chance to capture great images. The sun will not wait for us!


After the sunrise we'll also be doing some location shooting around the area using the best light possible. We will be walking you through the process of selecting locations, posing and balancing both natural and artificial light (is necessary) to make the most dramatic images possible. Feel free to bring your own gear for this part of the of workshop.


Due to the weather this time of year we'll be sending out a confirmation the day before the Meetup. At that time I'll also be sending you the code for the parking. Because of the limited number of attendees for the workshop, refunds will not be offered. Participants should have a general understanding of exposure and we'll teach the rest. Feel free to bring your camera, flash, flash trigger (optional), a reflector and any flash modifier such as an umbrella (optional). Sunscreen and a towel are a must!

Payment: Only $40 per person. Because of the limited space please pay at time of registration to reserve your space. If you rather not use PayPal you can contact me to pay over the phone (I accept all major cards).   561.324.9080


The location: We will try this spot at the inlet but it's unsafe for the model. If not we'll move down to the beach area which is just steps away.  Example of what we'er trying to capture. A shot that I took at a TYE workshop a few years back. And before you that's not me posing below!